Pastor Mona Espinoza
Pastor & Business Administrator Pastor Mona loves to organize ministry. She has been using her gifts of Administration here at Trinity Church for 20+ years. Previously working in the Corporate World for over 17 years prepared Pastor Mona to advance Trinity Church’s structure, organization and protocols. She currently manages the business operation of the church along with our Missions Program and budget, prayerfully discerning which Missionaries and/or Programs we can partner with to win many for Christ. She loves serving God and His People and carries a burden in her heart to reach those who have been marginalized. Pastor Mona loves reading, learning new life tools, gardening, hiking, planning family events and traveling to many parts of God’s Big world with her Best Friend, Pastor David! Pastor Mona has walked alongside Pastor David in marriage, Ministry and education for over 35 years. She’s passionate about her relationship with her children, Brittany, Tabitha and her husband Renato. |