Trinity Church believes that a student impacted today is a world that can be impacted tomorrow. We have designed Young Disciples Youth, our High school and Middle school ministry, to be the place where many young lives can be shaped and impacted by the power and love of Jesus. Our Youth Ministry team is committed to creating environments where students are encouraged to know God, love God, seek God, and share God. Young Disciples Youth currently meets on Sundays at 9am and 11am during our worship services in the Educational Building (2nd floor-room10). For more information on our Youth Program please contact Pastor Jacoby:
(818) 361-0012 YOUTH GROUP SERVICE FORMAT: Sunday: 9am + 11am 1. Student check-in in the Main Sanctuary lobby. 2. Worship happens along with the congregation in the reserved seating section for Young Disciples in our main sanctuary. 3. Students are led by their leaders to the youth room after worship. 4. Offering/Announcements. 5. Message. 6. Discussion groups (Questions from the message) 7. Snacks/Fellowship. 8. Dismiss and parent check-out *Parents must pick up their teens from our youth room following the service. YOUNG DISCIPLES YOUTH EVENTS 2025: TBD THEME AND TOPIC SCHEDULE 2025:
Romans Preaching (Starting, Sun, Dec 29th, 2024):
1. 8:18–25 – Future glory and hope. 2. 8:26–30 – The Spirit intercedes for us. 3. 8:31–39 – God’s love in Christ. God’s Sovereignty in Salvation (Romans 9:1–29) Theme: God’s mercy and election. 4. 9:1–5 – Paul’s anguish for Israel. 5. 9:6–13 – God’s sovereign choice. 6. 9:14–18 – God’s mercy and hardening. 7. 9:19–29 – God’s purposes in election. Israel’s Rejection of Christ (Romans 9:30–10:21) Theme: Righteousness through faith. 8. 9:30–33 – Stumbling over the cornerstone. 9. 10:1–4 – Christ is the end of the law. 10. 10:5–13 – The word of faith. 11. 10:14–21 – Israel’s rejection of the gospel. The Remnant of Israel (Romans 11:1–36) Theme: God’s plan for Israel and the Gentiles. 12. 11:1–10 – The remnant chosen by grace. 13. 11:11–24 – Gentiles grafted in. 14. 11:25–36 – All Israel will be saved. Living Sacrifices (Romans 12:1–21) Theme: A transformed life of worship and love. 15. 12:1–2 – Offer your bodies as living sacrifices. 16. 12:3–8 – Humility and gifts in the body. 17. 12:9–21 – Love and overcoming evil with good. Submission and Love (Romans 13:1–14) Theme: Christians and society. 18. 13:1–7 – Submission to governing authorities. 19. 13:8–10 – Love fulfills the law. 20. 13:11–14 – Put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Unity in the Church (Romans 14:1–15:13) Theme: Building up one another. 21. 14:1–12 – Do not judge one another. 22. 14:13–23 – Do not cause others to stumble. 23. 15:1–13 – Unity and hope in Christ. Paul’s Ministry and Final Greetings (Romans 15:14–16:27) Theme: Paul’s mission and commendations. 24. 15:14–21 – Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles. 25. 15:22–33 – Paul’s plans and prayer request. 26. 16:1–16 – Greetings to believers. 27. 16:17–27 – Final warnings and doxology. |